Work, Health & Safety Policy



This policy sets out the overarching principles for Curry Power’s commitments and management of work health and safety requirements and gives effect to the Curry Power’s Workplace Health and Safety Management Plan, Work place Health and QSE Management System, procedures and guidelines.

All members of Curry Power have a collective and individual responsibility to work safely and be engaged in activities to help prevent injuries and illness.

Application and Scope

This policy applies to all workers of Curry Power as well as sub-contractors, affiliates and visitors.

Entities of Curry Power are required to outline their commitment to work health and safety through their own Policy and Management system.


Curry Power will undertake the following activities in fulfilling its commitment to provide a healthy and safe work place:

  • Develop, implement and maintain a health and safety management system which includes the requirements of this policy;

  • Comply with relevant health and safety legislation as well as other requirements such as Codes of Practice or Australian Standards including AS4801:2001;

  • Implement a health and safety risk management process to ensure workplace hazards are identified, assessed, controlled and reviewed where they are not able to be eliminate;

  • Allocate sufficient financial and physical resources to enable the effective implementation of the Work Health and Safety Policy;

  • Provide, handle and store equipment, structures, substances and systems of work without risk to health;

  • Provide and disseminate health and safety training and information to workers, students and visitors;

  • Implement arrangements for the construction of Health and Safety matters with workers;

  • Establish measurable objectives and targets for Health and Safety aimed at the elimination of work-related illness and injury;

  • The Management Representative will report on measurements and targets as well as the effectiveness of the QSE Management System to Curry Power Directors in quarterly Management Review Meetings;

  • Communicate the WHS Policy to all interested parties through the Curry Power website, Toolbox talks as appropriate and by inviting staff to input whenever policies require updating.


This Policy will be regularly reviewed following legislative or organisational changes, or as a minimum, annually.